The lesson unit meets some of the aims and objectives of International Baccalaureate Diploma Program's (IBDP) Human Rights and Peace and Conflict Studies syllabi. However the broad aspect of the topics chosen, it can be taught as an After School or Social Studies Awareness program.

IB Human Rights

Aims :

·    Develop understanding of contemporary human rights issues

·    Develop the ability to communicate knowledge and understanding of human rights clearly and consistently

·    Promote the understanding of the nature and methods of an interdisciplinary approach

·    Encourage tolerance, international understanding and awareness of different cultural perspectives.

Objectives :

·    Demonstrate knowledge and understanding a contemporary human rights issue

·    Demonstrate the ability to create links and interpret (a) the theory and practice of human rights, and (b) a contemporary human rights issue in the light of the knowledge of the theory and practice of human rights.

·    Demonstrate awareness of cultural and ideological biases related to human rights and offer alternative interpretations.

IB Peace and Conflict Studies

Aims :

·        Develop an understanding of the origins and causes of conflict between and within individuals, groups and states.

·        Develop an understanding of different processes and strategies of conflict transformation and the conditions and circumstances necessary for lasting peace at various levels.

·        Recognize the preconceptions and assumptions of their own social and cultural environment.

·        Promote the need for social justice, equality and respect for others; appreciate diversity; combat bias, prejudice and discrimination.

Objectives :

·        Apply and evaluate approaches to conflict transformation and concepts in relation to specific conflicts at the personal, social and global level.

·        Communicate their awareness and understanding of conflict and conflict transformation on a personal, social and global level.